artificial intelligence – Soft Freight Logic We deliver integrated, scalable and robust technology solutions to the logistics industry. Mon, 04 Apr 2022 09:35:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 artificial intelligence – Soft Freight Logic 32 32 Optimise your Warehouse Operations with Robotics and your ERP in 2022 Mon, 04 Apr 2022 09:15:19 +0000 Optimise your Warehouse Operations with Robotics and your ERP in 2022

Your warehouse is an important part of your customers’ buying experience.

To provide excellent customer service in a fast-paced industry, it is important to ensure warehouses have the necessary stocks beforehand to get the products to the customer at the right time.

Why is warehousing important?

  1. It is the central location between storing, receiving, and dispatching goods to the end-user.
  2. Secured storing of goods and better inventory management
  3. Reduce shipping costs by delivering goods as a whole rather than one by one.
  4. Store goods that can go out of season and resell surplus goods when in demand.
  5. It is like an insurance policy that your goods will be well kept in the condition that it needs to.

The use of Robotics in Warehousing

The first robots introduced to the supply chain were seen in manufacturing. The first robotics patent was filed in 1954 by George Devol which was granted in 1961. The first industrial robot was created by his company, Unimation in 1956. The first introduced robot was only able to move material about dozen feet.

Robotics arms that could be operated using programming were the first use case of robotics in the supply chain.

Continue reading Optimise your Warehouse Operations with Robotics and your ERP in 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

How ChAFTA benefits trade between Australia and China? Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:39:26 +0000 How ChAFTA benefits trade between Australia and China?

CargoWise now produces Certificates of Origin documentation for ChAFTA exports from Australia to China.             

What is ChAFTA?

ChAFTA is short for the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. It was a trade agreement signed between the 2 economic powerhouses on the 20th of December 2015 which has greatly improved trade between the 2 countries by eliminating tariffs on the vast majority of goods moving between them. 

Only goods that originate in either China or Australia are eligible for the preferential tariff rates. A ChAFTA Certificate of origin is a document that confirms that the goods originated in Australia or China in accordance with the provisions of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

What are the ChAFTA Preferential Rules of Origin?

ROO which stands for ChAFTA Preferential Rules of Origin are agreed criteria used to ensure that only goods originating from Australia and China end up getting the preferential treatment under the agreement. One of the main aims of these rules is to prevent goods from a 3rd party transshipping through Australia or China to take advantage of the FTA.

Any imports into Australia or China that do not comply with the ROO will be subject to the general MFN rate of duty.

Continue reading How ChAFTA benefits trade between Australia and China? at Soft Freight Logic.
