digitalisation – Soft Freight Logic We deliver integrated, scalable and robust technology solutions to the logistics industry. Wed, 06 Apr 2022 08:28:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digitalisation – Soft Freight Logic 32 32 How Logistics Companies can use the Metaverse to build relationships Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:40:12 +0000 How Logistics Companies can use the Metaverse to build relationships

This article will explain what the metaverse is, why logistics leaders should pay attention, and how the industry can benefit from it.

The logistics leader’s guide to the metaverse: building relationships using virtual worlds

Why should you care about the metaverse as a logistics leader?

It is impossible to use the internet and not come across the term metaverse these days. Facebook rebranding as Meta was perhaps the top headline that started the buzz. Artists like Travis Scott and Ariana Grande performed concerts in the metaverse, setting a new trend. In the business world, Microsoft and  Meta have already invested billions of dollars into the metaverse.

But the metaverse is not still well understood by some business leaders. That could cost their companies greatly in the future. The metaverse market is projected to be worth 1.3 trillion dollars by 2030.

Learn about the metaverse and how you can use it to build relationships as a leader in logistics.

Glossary of metaverse terms, based on information from Financial Times, Wunderman Thompson, VR Glossary, and CoinMarketCap

What is the metaverse?

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