latest russia ukrain war – Soft Freight Logic We deliver integrated, scalable and robust technology solutions to the logistics industry. Wed, 25 May 2022 07:35:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 latest russia ukrain war – Soft Freight Logic 32 32 Top 4 Challenges of the U.S. Supply Chain Industry & How it Affects the Rest of the World Wed, 25 May 2022 07:29:14 +0000 Top 4 Challenges of the U.S. Supply Chain Industry & How it Affects the Rest of the World

In recent years, several challenges have negatively affected the supply chain globally. For instance, the vacuum created by the impact of the pandemic in 2020 is still vigorously testing the resolve of the supply chain and logistics industry.

Another massive hit for the logistics industry is the recent Russian-Ukraine war affecting significant sectors worldwide. In addition, pandemic-hit China has also resulted in congested port operations and freight backlogs.

Amidst these industry challenges, the U.S is a significant player in the logistics and supply chain business. In addition, geopolitical crises, shortage of labor, and problems with LTL are gradually becoming growing concerns affecting not only the U.S. but also other countries.

In truth, the U.S. plays a huge role in the supply chain. This means that unchecked issues will create ripple effects in the global logistics industry. 

This article discusses some of the challenges of the supply chain and logistics industry in the U.S. We will also explore some of the ripple effects of these challenges in other countries worldwide.

4 Challenges of the U.S. Supply Chain & Logistics industry

The challenges facing the supply chain and logistics industry in the U.S.

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How the Russian-Ukraine War has Impacted the Global Logistics Industry Mon, 25 Apr 2022 16:57:39 +0000 How the Russian-Ukraine War has Impacted the Global Logistics Industry

The news of the Russian-Ukraine war has been trending since it began in early 2022. Countless lives and properties have been lost in the conflict. 

Besides the humanitarian crisis the war has caused, there have been disruptions in global supply chains. As if this is not enough, the recent pandemic-triggered lockdown in China has further strained the logistics industry.

Downgrading its earlier prediction in January by 0.8 and 0.2 percentage points, the IMF predicts that the world’s economy will expand by 3.6% in 2022 and 2023. This is a clear drop from the 6.1% growth of 2021 – this can be attributed to the war.

Let’s not even get started on what this will mean for price inflation globally. The supply chain has been fragile since the pandemic, only slowly recovering. In this article, we discuss how the Russian-Ukraine conflict will further threaten the stability of the logistics industry globally.

3 Industries That Are Suffering Major Hits From The Russian-Ukraine War

The multiplying ripple effects of the conflict in Ukraine and Russia are not just felt in these regions. On the contrary, these effects have become ‘seismic waves’ affecting many businesses and countries. 

For instance, Russia is among the world’s top natural gas, coal, and oil exporters.

Continue reading How the Russian-Ukraine War has Impacted the Global Logistics Industry at Soft Freight Logic.
