Robotics – Soft Freight Logic We deliver integrated, scalable and robust technology solutions to the logistics industry. Tue, 09 May 2023 05:07:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Robotics – Soft Freight Logic 32 32 Webinar: Robotic Automation in Logistics Mon, 06 Jun 2022 19:38:00 +0000 Webinar: Robotic Automation in Logistics

Using robotic process automation ( RPA ) keeps on redefining logistics. Logistics industries use RPA to better manage shipments from their fulfillment centers to customers globally. 

In this Webinar the Host Imrah Chizyuka the Director of Digital Adoption in Soft Freight Logic tackles

  1. ERP System Limitations
  2. DHL Logistics Automated Data Entry Case Study
  3. Effective RPA Implementation in Logistics Companies
  4. Customised Supply Chain Data Entry Solutions
  • CargoWise
  • Case Study
  • Industry
  • Leadership
  • Press Releases

Continue reading Webinar: Robotic Automation in Logistics at Soft Freight Logic.

Global logistics: The link between technology and productivity Wed, 25 May 2022 08:23:04 +0000 Global logistics: The link between technology and productivity

WisteTech Global partnered with Reuters Events, surveying more than 480 logistics professionals to uncover how businesses can drive productivity within their operations, and the crucial role that technology will play in achieving this. Check out some of the findings.

As the demand continues to skyrocket so do constraints on time, money and resources. With the right investment and correct technology you can unlock new productivity gains and meet your customer needs now and in the future.

Continue reading Global logistics: The link between technology and productivity at Soft Freight Logic.

The Metaverse, Mental Health and Flexibility in the workplace Tue, 10 May 2022 06:43:24 +0000 The Metaverse, Mental Health and Flexibility in the workplace

You might be familiar with the concept of the Metaverse, but how does it work? Making sense of the Metaverse is similar to trying to understand the internet back in the ’70s. We take a look at the logistics space with a shortage of labour.  In order to grow and digitise, the supply chain sector needs people to join it.

Companies are developing new strategies to keep up with the new industry challenges. No longer are they confined to textbook business best practices. With climate change challenges in Canada, South Africa, and China’s recent COVID-19 lockdowns we notice that in order to retain good talent, organizations can provide new positions, new job duties, and digital strategies, while also offering more flexibility and increasing mental health in the workplace.

Mental Health in the Logistics Space

With a rise in workplace-related stress, illnesses and mental health issues, 52% of working adults in the travel, transport and logistics industry believe that businesses are not doing enough to support the physical and mental wellbeing of their employees, according to a new study by Westfield Health.

Those working in logistics face an incredible amount of pressure. They are under pressure to meet deadlines, build client relationships, update customers, submit to port and tax authorities on time, and not forget the amount of work that needs to be done with the least amount of time and errors.

Continue reading The Metaverse, Mental Health and Flexibility in the workplace at Soft Freight Logic.

SFL Ecosystem | Business Process Offshoring | RPA and OCR | CargoWise Consulting Tue, 03 May 2022 10:14:55 +0000 SFL Ecosystem | Business Process Offshoring | RPA and OCR | CargoWise Consulting

Take a listen to our Digital Adoption Officer, Imrah Chizyuka, explaining how our CargoWise Consulting works and how our BPO service uses RPA and OCR for faster turnaround times.

Continue reading SFL Ecosystem | Business Process Offshoring | RPA and OCR | CargoWise Consulting at Soft Freight Logic.

Digital Trends to Increases Sales in Logistics Industry 2022 Tue, 03 May 2022 07:00:17 +0000 Digital Trends to Increases Sales in Logistics Industry 2022

Customers around the world are expecting a faster delivery time and companies are in need to find solutions to ensure goods are delivered across borders in a fast and affordable manner.

Continue reading Digital Trends to Increases Sales in Logistics Industry 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

How are Logistic Companies Using AI Technology Mon, 18 Apr 2022 12:20:00 +0000 How are Logistic Companies Using AI Technology

We see how much the world has evolved during this pandemic. There has been an acceleration in the usage of technology that was always there but just underutilised.

Logistic companies are known for mundane tasks and an accumulation of paperwork. Whilst the demand in e-commerce increased which put immense pressures on the Logistic and Supply Chain Industry.

It is evident that along with technological advancements finding quality skills is crucial to ensure operations are run smoothly.

According to McKinsey, the successful implementation of AI has helped businesses improve logistics costs by 15%, Inventory levels by 35%, and service levels by 65%.

What is AI technology?

The definition of artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer programs that are able to do tasks and solve problems that usually require human intelligence. Things like visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and word translation are all things that would normally need human intelligence, but now computer programs are able use their intelligence and capability to solve these tasks.

There are many ways to implement AI into the supply chain and into the logistics sector. It improves logistics processes and reduces costs. It also plays a major role in automating routine tasks to improve the speed and accuracy in numerous back-office applications.

Continue reading How are Logistic Companies Using AI Technology at Soft Freight Logic.

Optimise your Warehouse Operations with Robotics and your ERP in 2022 Mon, 04 Apr 2022 09:15:19 +0000 Optimise your Warehouse Operations with Robotics and your ERP in 2022

Your warehouse is an important part of your customers’ buying experience.

To provide excellent customer service in a fast-paced industry, it is important to ensure warehouses have the necessary stocks beforehand to get the products to the customer at the right time.

Why is warehousing important?

  1. It is the central location between storing, receiving, and dispatching goods to the end-user.
  2. Secured storing of goods and better inventory management
  3. Reduce shipping costs by delivering goods as a whole rather than one by one.
  4. Store goods that can go out of season and resell surplus goods when in demand.
  5. It is like an insurance policy that your goods will be well kept in the condition that it needs to.

The use of Robotics in Warehousing

The first robots introduced to the supply chain were seen in manufacturing. The first robotics patent was filed in 1954 by George Devol which was granted in 1961. The first industrial robot was created by his company, Unimation in 1956. The first introduced robot was only able to move material about dozen feet.

Robotics arms that could be operated using programming were the first use case of robotics in the supply chain.

Continue reading Optimise your Warehouse Operations with Robotics and your ERP in 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

AI Automation in Warehousing for Greater Visibility in 2022 Mon, 28 Mar 2022 12:10:20 +0000 AI Automation in Warehousing for Greater Visibility in 2022

AI has taken a major role in digitally transforming the logistics and supply chain industry for the past few years. Here’s how AI Automation in warehousing provide greater visibility.

Artificial Intelligence has taken a major role in digitally transforming the logistics and supply chain industry for the past few years. With the increase in demand for the industry and the processes becoming more and more complex, businesses have developed AI applications to analyse data and streamline operations. 

Use of AI for warehousing

Optimizing workflows using AI at warehouses is one-way freight forwarders can stay ahead of the current disruptions affecting the industry while also reducing their operating costs.

Most companies use Warehouse Management Systems to seamlessly manage operations. However accurate data entry into these systems is important to ensure correct decisions are made. AI is one way to ensure your data extraction into these systems is done accurately.  AI can understand different data from various formats and extracting unstructured data into structured data ensuring accuracy.


Using AI, it will be possible to analyse data gathered in the warehouse to make accurate forecasts about inventory. This information can be used for inventory processing allowing to improve efficiency and increase profit.

Continue reading AI Automation in Warehousing for Greater Visibility in 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

Automate your AP Invoices into CargoWise! | CargoDoc Tue, 08 Mar 2022 09:20:59 +0000 Automate your AP Invoices into CargoWise! | CargoDoc

CargoDoc is compatible with your CargoWise system. Capture AP invoices directly to your ERP system.

You can use CargoDoc with our without provisions/buy rates added onto the system. Below is an overview of what you can expect by using this automated data entry tool.

1. With or Without Provisions 

– Easy reconciling of invoices to vendor statements for finance department 

– Accuracy and timeously capturing of data ensures real time visibility of shipment file costs 

– Under recovery of shipment costs is easily identified and can be recovered in time from the client. 

– Assisting procurement to negotiate better rates per trade lane. 

– Increase overall productivity and profitability of the business by spending more time analyzing shipment file data than capturing data. 

2. Without Provisions

– Buy rates of vendors do not need to match on CW1 system to capture data of invoice 

– and no. 1

3. With Provisions

– Agreed rates with vendors are added onto the system 

– When AP invoice amounts agree to provision- automatic posting of invoices can be done to eliminate checking of rates, over billing

– and no.1

– Increase in procurement management to increase profitability of the business 

Watch the full demo below:-

Continue reading Automate your AP Invoices into CargoWise! | CargoDoc at Soft Freight Logic.

Why should Freight Forwarders use CargoWise? Tue, 08 Mar 2022 09:06:37 +0000 Why should Freight Forwarders use CargoWise?

Listen to the below video on why CargoWise One is the most suitable ERP for Freight Forwarders.

Continue reading Why should Freight Forwarders use CargoWise? at Soft Freight Logic.

Nicolas Aubert, President of Jones International with Canada Industry Insights Mon, 07 Mar 2022 08:56:00 +0000 Nicolas Aubert, President of Jones International with Canada Industry Insights

Nicolas Aubert, President of Jones International, gives us some Industry Insights into some of Canada's Supply Chain challenges and the type of Leadership he developed during the Pandemic.

Continue reading Nicolas Aubert, President of Jones International with Canada Industry Insights at Soft Freight Logic.

How to lead in a crisis : Leadership vs management Sun, 27 Feb 2022 14:57:23 +0000 How to lead in a crisis : Leadership vs management  

Management in not enough, become a leader, what logistics industry needs in the hour of crisis. Find out the key skills you need to develop into a leader and why logistics managers need to transition into logistics leaders in the new industry landscape.

What is wrong with logistics management

The pre-pandemic way of doing things is no longer working in logistics. The industry is facing mass resignations, labour shortages, and employee demands for better work-life balance. Covid-19 acted as a catalyst that changed the future world of work in logistics. 

40% of the employees who quit in the Great Resignation quit due to burnout and 20%  cited lack of flexibility as a reason. MIT Sloan reported that the logistics industry had a 7% attrition rate from April 2021 to September 2021.

Their research also found that toxic workplace culture is the top cause of resignation – 10.4 times more likely to cause attrition than bad pay. The popular quip, people leave managers, not jobs, is true.  

Many of the professionals who are leaving take to freelance work, using their expertise to work for themselves. Most such employees happen to be top talent.

Continue reading How to lead in a crisis : Leadership vs management   at Soft Freight Logic.

Webinar | Logistics Technology overload – how to keep it simple in 2022 Mon, 21 Feb 2022 17:47:47 +0000 Webinar | Logistics Technology overload – how to keep it simple in 2022

Continue reading Webinar | Logistics Technology overload – how to keep it simple in 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

The Biden Administration changes to the HTS 2022 implemented on 27 January 2022 Tue, 08 Feb 2022 08:34:18 +0000 The Biden Administration changes to the HTS 2022 implemented on 27 January 2022

The Biden administration issued a proclamation to modify the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the U.S. (HTSUS) on the 23rd of December 2021. The proclamation was published with a 30 day implementation timeline.

The US International Trade Commission (USITC) has implemented the changes to the HTS with World Customs Organization’s (WCO) five-year updation of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. 

WCO makes this update every 5 years in order to keep the HS up to date with all the latest technological developments. These changes will also provide visibility into new product streams and emerging global issues.

Read our blog to learn more about the HTS and key factors in HS 2022 amendments.

The modifications to the HTS will impact 350 products and product groups that are under various sections in the HTSUS. It will change the tariff codes of the 350 importing products. The suggested modifications also make changes to the nomenclature of the HTSUS changing;

  • HTSUS headings
  • HTSUS subheadings
  • Section notes
  • Chapter notes
  • Additional U.S. notes
  • General notes

In the proclamation, pursuant to section 1206(a) of the 1988 Act, President Biden determines that the proposed modifications is “in conformity with United States obligations under the Convention and do not run counter to the national economic interest of the United States”.

Continue reading The Biden Administration changes to the HTS 2022 implemented on 27 January 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

Predictions for the U.S. Freight Forwarding industry in 2022 Mon, 31 Jan 2022 09:04:16 +0000 Predictions for the U.S. Freight Forwarding industry in 2022

With the COVID 19 pandemic continuing to affect the supply chain, the U.S. freight forwarding industry welcomes another new year with a new set of challenges. However, the industry experts have predicted some challenges and opportunities 2022 will bring for freight forwarders.

1. Labour shortages and skill gap

The pandemic has driven many consumers around the world to adapt to e-commerce which has drastically increased the demand of the supply chain more than the industry could handle. This has resulted in an employee shortage in the logistics and supply chain industry in the US. The pandemic has also directly affected the availability of staff, especially considering the COVID 19 safety measures.

Companies in the US are facing Great Attrition while the competition for labour is constantly increasing. McKinsey has reported more than 19 million US workers have left their jobs since April 2021. It has further stated that employees are focusing more on the human aspects of the workplace. This is largely due to the increasing awareness of physical and mental health caused by the pandemic.

According to KPMG, the technological advancement due to the pandemic has led to the supply chain becoming more complex.

Continue reading Predictions for the U.S. Freight Forwarding industry in 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

How Technology Can Solve the Biggest Last & First-Mile Challenges Wed, 26 Jan 2022 09:14:38 +0000 How Technology Can Solve the Biggest Last & First-Mile Challenges

Many technological breakthroughs help companies across sectors improve logistics efficiency while keeping costs low and giving expert technical support with several activities ranging from delivery scheduling to allocation to routing to real-time tracking and tracing. Below are some ways through which technology can help you in solving some of the biggest challenges of all time in the first and last-mile delivery.

  • Dynamic Routing to reduce delivery timing: Trying to figure out the best route to take to go to a specific location in a certain amount of time is a huge challenge for every driver. Smart businesses are embracing modern dynamic routing systems to ensure that the best last-mile solution offers faster delivery, more profits, and more enjoyable experiences. Thanks to dynamic routing, logistics managers can keep track of their executives and fleet in real-time. It would recommend efficient routes for expediting package delivery.
  • Auto Dispatching reduces service time and saves on labor cost: The routing software will appeal to logistics managers. It not only effectively distributes resources but also keeps final-mile costs under control. The application assists you in organizing your routes, assigning tasks to drivers, and even tracking their location.

Continue reading How Technology Can Solve the Biggest Last & First-Mile Challenges at Soft Freight Logic.

Understanding The Challenges To Last-Mile Delivery Wed, 26 Jan 2022 09:01:59 +0000 Understanding The Challenges To Last-Mile Delivery

For those unfamiliar, the ‘last mile problem’ is a challenge that businesses of all types face every day. In telecom, It’s a phrase that refers to the final leg of communication networks delivering connectivity to retail customers–the last 20% of the overall network fabric that actually reaches the end-user.

What is Last-Mile Delivery?

Last-mile delivery is the process of conveying packaged items from a courier company’s warehouse to the buyer’s location. The above image clearly shows the entire delivery cycle of an order.

Problems in Last-Mile Delivery

The above chart is a simplified depiction of what expectations a customer has on the last mile delivery of the order. It is therefore important to keep track of things and ensure that there is no fault in our last-mile delivery procedure. Below are some of the last-mile delivery challenges which all logistic companies should take care of.

Executing Same Day Delivery or on-time delivery: According to studies, more than 80% of customers currently are prepared to pay extra for faster delivery, and meeting this expectation is the most difficult obstacle for last-mile deliveries. Reduced delivery turnaround times are exceedingly difficult to achieve due to inefficient routing systems, human dependence on distributing work, and poor third-party logistics provider management, posing a risk to the entire shipping process.

Continue reading Understanding The Challenges To Last-Mile Delivery at Soft Freight Logic.

How To Optimize First-Mile Delivery Tue, 25 Jan 2022 14:18:41 +0000 How To Optimize First-Mile Delivery

As a result of the ongoing epidemic, the already-complicated final-mile distribution became considerably more chaotic in 2020. Contactless delivery, cashless payments, health updates, and other issues arose at a period when businesses were attempting to meet new customer demands such as same-day delivery. Customers that see the importance of total transparency in the fulfillment process are looking for such a mechanism wherein they can receive the full information about their order. They want to know where their order is, who will deliver it, and when it will arrive. Customers want brands to provide a range of delivery options, and it doesn’t end there. Customers are more loyal to companies that provide a flexible online shopping experience and respond to their specific requirements.

To meet these demands, supply chain leaders must reconsider their last-mile delivery strategy. Traditional hub-and-spoke logistics solutions will not be enough to strike a balance between customer satisfaction and profitability. Therefore, logistics companies need to develop an effective last-mile delivery strategy to fulfill the demands of their customers.

The above chart denotes the estimated value of the First and Last Mile Delivery Market by 2028, denoting 14.17% of growth in this sector of the industry.

Continue reading How To Optimize First-Mile Delivery at Soft Freight Logic.

Do you have the right ERP and Offshore Development Partner in Logistics Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:34:08 +0000 Do you have the right ERP and Offshore Development Partner in Logistics

It is an absolute need that Logistics companies become more automated. Choosing the right software for your business is the 1st step but have you checked all the boxes that are unique to your business needs:

  1. What does your business specialise in?
  2. Choose an ERP system that will tick all your boxes and can be customised to suit your business’s UNIQUE needs.

CargoWise One is designed to assist different types of logistic providers as demonstrated below.

Small to large enterprises have taken the plunge to use this system. Read to find out if this is the right fit for your organisation.

Companies using CargoWise One

ENLYFT did a study on around 75 to 78 Companies that use CW1, and the use distribution of the study reveals its fit across all three sizes of organisations (small, medium and large)

Wisetech CargoWise One customer base

A review of Tech Republic article 7 steps to choosing the right ERP software ,  demonstrates how Soft Freight Logic and CargoWise One has ticked all the boxes and has created digital tools to fill in the gaps.

Your One Stop Digital Logistics Enabler

So, what’s the best way to find the ERP solution that’s going to be the best fit for your logistics organization?

Continue reading Do you have the right ERP and Offshore Development Partner in Logistics at Soft Freight Logic.


SFL Hub Technologies is responsible for the Software Development and Integrations with our Cargowise One customers. After an extensive audit process we have been certified with an ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is an international standard on quality management system that shows the ability of an organization to consistently provide quality products and services that meet the requirements of customers.

Using ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.

International Organization for Standardization

What does this mean to SFL HUB?

  • Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Happier and more competent employees
  • Better quality products and services
  • Increased efficiency, fewer mistakes, and less wasted time
  • Reduced overall risks

A happy, engaged, well-trained and competent workforce is a productive workforce. Employee satisfaction is a major benefit of ISO 9001.

What does this mean for our clients?

This means that as a company we are dedicated to providing the best solutions and customer service to our clients.

The standard requires that our organization not only determines if our customer requirements have been met but also monitors our customers subjective perception of it.

Continue reading SFL HUB TECHNOLOGIES GETS ISO 9001 CERTIFIED at Soft Freight Logic.

Digital Tools to assist with the Port Congestion Tue, 11 Jan 2022 10:26:11 +0000 Digital Tools to assist with the Port Congestion

The bottlenecking at the ports is more than what we see at the ports. There have been many events that have led to the congestion.

Continue reading Digital Tools to assist with the Port Congestion at Soft Freight Logic.

Why Freight Forwarders should use CargoWise? Fri, 07 Jan 2022 08:40:59 +0000 Why Freight Forwarders should use CargoWise?

Developed by Australian-based WiseTech Global, CargoWise is an integrated digital management solution.

Continue reading Why Freight Forwarders should use CargoWise? at Soft Freight Logic.

Webinar: Key Trends for the Logistics Industry Tue, 28 Dec 2021 09:38:46 +0000 Webinar: Key Trends for the Logistics Industry

Looking to the Future

  • CargoWise
  • Case Study
  • Industry
  • Leadership
  • Press Releases


Continue reading Webinar: Key Trends for the Logistics Industry at Soft Freight Logic.

Prepare for the future of work in logistics Mon, 20 Dec 2021 09:17:36 +0000 Prepare for the future of work in logistics

Is your company ready for the future of work in logistics?

Continue reading Prepare for the future of work in logistics at Soft Freight Logic.

ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFICATION Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:10:35 +0000 ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFICATION


Continue reading ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFICATION at Soft Freight Logic.

Logistics, Automation, & the Future of the Workforce Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:54:43 +0000 Logistics, Automation, & the Future of the Workforce

This November marked two years since the first outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. The future of logistics business operations completely shifted as companies were forced to reimagine their workforce and processes.

Continue reading Logistics, Automation, & the Future of the Workforce at Soft Freight Logic.

SFL Features in Dun & Bradstreet – Leading SMEs of India 2021 Sat, 11 Dec 2021 10:06:57 +0000 SFL Features in Dun & Bradstreet – Leading SMEs of India 2021

Click below on the link to view full article – SFL is featured on Page 75.

  • CargoWise
  • Case Study
  • Industry
  • Leadership
  • Press Releases


Continue reading SFL Features in Dun & Bradstreet – Leading SMEs of India 2021 at Soft Freight Logic.

How ChAFTA benefits trade between Australia and China? Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:39:26 +0000 How ChAFTA benefits trade between Australia and China?

CargoWise now produces Certificates of Origin documentation for ChAFTA exports from Australia to China.             

What is ChAFTA?

ChAFTA is short for the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. It was a trade agreement signed between the 2 economic powerhouses on the 20th of December 2015 which has greatly improved trade between the 2 countries by eliminating tariffs on the vast majority of goods moving between them. 

Only goods that originate in either China or Australia are eligible for the preferential tariff rates. A ChAFTA Certificate of origin is a document that confirms that the goods originated in Australia or China in accordance with the provisions of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

What are the ChAFTA Preferential Rules of Origin?

ROO which stands for ChAFTA Preferential Rules of Origin are agreed criteria used to ensure that only goods originating from Australia and China end up getting the preferential treatment under the agreement. One of the main aims of these rules is to prevent goods from a 3rd party transshipping through Australia or China to take advantage of the FTA.

Any imports into Australia or China that do not comply with the ROO will be subject to the general MFN rate of duty.

Continue reading How ChAFTA benefits trade between Australia and China? at Soft Freight Logic.

CargoDoc Webinar 01: Data Automation for CargoWise Companies Mon, 06 Dec 2021 18:50:02 +0000 CargoDoc Webinar 01: Data Automation for CargoWise Companies
  • CargoWise
  • Case Study
  • Industry
  • Leadership
  • Press Releases


Continue reading CargoDoc Webinar 01: Data Automation for CargoWise Companies at Soft Freight Logic.

Business Connect India: Raja Ratandeep talks about “Thinking Global” Thu, 02 Dec 2021 08:23:22 +0000 Business Connect India: Raja Ratandeep talks about “Thinking Global”

SFL has been reckoned as a one-stop destination for integrated solutions exempting the customers from seeking different service providers for different solutions. Hear what Raja has to say to Business Connect India.

Continue reading Business Connect India: Raja Ratandeep talks about “Thinking Global” at Soft Freight Logic.

Soft Freight Logic – Top 10 SCM Technology Provider – 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 12:38:25 +0000 Soft Freight Logic – Top 10 SCM Technology Provider – 2021

It is such an honour for SFL to be recognised as one of the Top 10 SCM Technology providers by CIOReviewIndia.

Continue reading Soft Freight Logic – Top 10 SCM Technology Provider – 2021 at Soft Freight Logic.


How did Mr. Rishan Barat from South Africa become a business leader at Microsoft Canada today?


Automating Your Logistics Business: 3 Valid Fears Company Leaders Have Tue, 23 Nov 2021 10:27:22 +0000 Automating Your Logistics Business: 3 Valid Fears Company Leaders Have

The responsibility of decision making is a duty you know well. As someone who holds a leadership position in your organization, making the right decisions comes with its rewards, however, the role also comes with its risks.

Continue reading Automating Your Logistics Business: 3 Valid Fears Company Leaders Have at Soft Freight Logic.

Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Roadmap for Migration from HS 2017 to HS 2022 Tue, 16 Nov 2021 07:03:10 +0000 Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Roadmap for Migration from HS 2017 to HS 2022

The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) comprising of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini is currently undergoing migration from HTS 2017 to HTS 2022.

Continue reading Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Roadmap for Migration from HS 2017 to HS 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

Freight Forwarding Industry Post COVID 19 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 13:07:23 +0000 Freight Forwarding Industry Post COVID 19

Shippers, Forwarders and LSPs are completely reassessing their supply chain operations and their strategies. Adoption of technology and digitalization have further accelerated as a result of the pandemic.

Continue reading Freight Forwarding Industry Post COVID 19 at Soft Freight Logic.

New HTS codes to be implemented by 1st of January 2022 Thu, 04 Nov 2021 08:05:15 +0000 New HTS codes to be implemented by 1st of January 2022

The World Customs Organization (WCO) will implementing a new set of changes to the Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) from the 1st of January 2022.

Continue reading New HTS codes to be implemented by 1st of January 2022 at Soft Freight Logic.

UK Customs : Transition from CHIEF to CDS Thu, 04 Nov 2021 07:48:55 +0000 UK Customs : Transition from CHIEF to CDS

By the end of March 2023, CHIEF (Customs Handling of Imports and Export Freight) which is the system that records the movement of goods by land, air and sea in the UK will be fully replaced by CDS (Customs Declaration Service)

Continue reading UK Customs : Transition from CHIEF to CDS at Soft Freight Logic.

Complete Elimination of Data Entry Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:29:50 +0000 Complete Elimination of Data Entry

Data entry is a critical business component for freight-forwarders and logistics companies and mistakes or delays can affect shipment visibility, data accuracy, lead to documentation delays and affect customer experience; losing business and adding to customer service woes. But wait, it gets worse.

Continue reading Complete Elimination of Data Entry at Soft Freight Logic.

Robot Process Automation Increasing Efficiency of BPO. Tue, 23 Feb 2021 15:27:03 +0000 Robot Process Automation Increasing Efficiency of BPO.

Increasing Efficiency by Saving 166 Hours Per month through Data Assistant.

Continue reading Robot Process Automation Increasing Efficiency of BPO. at Soft Freight Logic.

Eliminating Data Entry with Business Process Offshoring. Tue, 23 Feb 2021 14:41:10 +0000 Eliminating Data Entry with Business Process Offshoring.

Using Machine Learning and Robotics through SFL’s Data Assistant to Automate Business Processes in Logistics.

Continue reading Eliminating Data Entry with Business Process Offshoring. at Soft Freight Logic.
