webtracker redesign – Soft Freight Logic https://resources.softfreightlogic.com We deliver integrated, scalable and robust technology solutions to the logistics industry. Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:14:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://resources.softfreightlogic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/favicon.png webtracker redesign – Soft Freight Logic https://resources.softfreightlogic.com 32 32 How a Website Redesign and Webtracker Reskin Digitalised Norvik Cargo https://resources.softfreightlogic.com/norvick-cargo-website-journey/ Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:07:07 +0000 https://resources.softfreightlogic.com/?p=3406 How a Website Redesign and Webtracker Reskin Digitalised Norvik Cargo

Norvik Cargo, a full freight forwarding service for 25 years based in New York, had a goal in 2021 to digitalize their business and increase the customer service levels.

Listen to Nikita Coelho on their challenges in the business and how SFL assisted with the solutions.


Continue reading How a Website Redesign and Webtracker Reskin Digitalised Norvik Cargo at Soft Freight Logic.
